Tribal Energy.

The vision is to promote the responsible management of our Tribal energy resources in a manner that is self-sustainable, economically feasible, as well as biologically and culturally sensitive for the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes.



Education and Development.


To provide clean renewable energy sources and educate our membership on energy efficiencies that respect Mother Earth and all our relations.


  • Develop sustainable clean energy that is non-destructive to our environment
  • Energy Development that works toward strengthening self-determination and self-efficiency while embracing traditional values and identity
  • Educating our community on Energy Efficiency and Energy Development that works to protect our environment
  • Energy Development that embraces technology without losing traditional values and identity

Energy Resources Program.


Retrofit of lighting and insulation of Tribal administration building to increase energy efficiency


Solar powered pumps in our districts range sites and solar panels installed on the Tribal Tax building

Utility Code.

Tribal Utility Code - to establish regulatory authority over Tribal utility services

We invite you take our short survey

You are invited to participate in a short survey about energy self-determination and self-sufficiency.

Please share the survey link or flyer with family and friends in our community.  We also ask that you share our Facebook Post on the Tribes page about the survey for those on Social Media.

Take Survey
Placeholder Image

Contact Energy Department.

Energy Department

Contact Us

Alana Edmo
Energy Resource Coordinator

P: 208-478-3724
C: 208-380-6029

P.O. Box 306
Pima Drive
Fort Hall, ID 83203


Download our Community Action Plan (CAP) by clicking the button below.

Download CAP

"Sogobia Nawha Mai".

Together with Mother Earth