The Tribes Consumer Services Program has received CARES funding from the Fort Hall Business Council. With this assistance we will assist tribal membership with the following: Utility, Rent/Mortgage, Food & Household Supply, Child Care, Internet/Phone, Gas, & Home Ventilation Assistance.
You can download your application below, or also in person or via email.

Applications will be available at the following locations on the Reservation:
- Old Casino (west entrance only)
- Consumer Service Program
- Housing Department
Applications can also be emailed to clients. Please email or to request an application.
All services will require a completed 1-page application and supporting documentation.
Please note: some of these services will have requirements like a Utility (Current Bill), Rent/Mortgage (Renters Verification/Bill), Childcare/Internet/Phone (Must be Work/School Related).
If you have any questions please place in the comments below.