The Shoshone-Bannock Tribes allocated monies to our Shoshone-Bannock Tribal Member Small Business owners who have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The funding was a ONE-TIME assistance program.
Submitted by Shalynn Kellogg, THOP Manager , Planning Department 10/23/2020
COVID-19 Business Grants Narrative Summary:
The Cares Act Small Business Grant allocation was $ 200,000 total given for the Shoshone Bannock THOP program to administer. We were able to administer and complete the first grant funding round of $ 100,000 in a period of two weeks. All money as been expended as of Monday October 19th, 2020.
Below is a visual representation of the types of businesses assisted with the CARES ACT Small Business Grant funds in the first round and at the end of the second round we will have another graph showing data for all of the businesses assisted. 442 Shoshone-Bannock Small Businesses were assisted with this funding.
Professional Services included consultants, PBR Judges, Firework Sales, etc. Auto Services included services such as mechanics as well as auto detailing. POW WOW Specific were Arts and Crafts vendors that had a significant loss of income due to the COVID pandemic. Every applicant had to either have a business license , copy of valid Tribal ID, and or a notarized signed affidavit along with their one-page application approved by the FHBC.