Vaccines Protect Me and You


March 2, 2021


Fort Hall- COVID19 cases were decreasing in number but over the weekend, we had 3 additional positives and 1 hospitalized.  

Last week, the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare (DHW) confirmed the first known infection with the UK variant virus in Ada County (Boise area). According to the DHW, the infected individual is an adult female who lives in Ada County and travelled out of state.  With these new variants entering into Idaho, we caution Fort Hall to be more cautious and safer when choosing to travel out of state! Keep wearing your facemask and keep your distance. 

Fort Hall Numbers for this week are: data reported as of March 1, 2021 at 4:00PM.

Total Cases To-Date  856 

Total Active Cases              6 

Total Currently Hospitalized      1 

Total Recovered to Date          833 

Total Deceased to Date            17 

Total Hospitalized to Date    75

% Hospitalized to Date          8.8%


Starting the 3rd week of March (week of March 15th) we will be adding one more screening day to the weekly screenings. This extra day will be a “drive-thru” style option. More details will be provided when available and posted on the Tribes Facebook page (Shoban Tribes). Here are the screening results from this week’s screenings: 

Monday, March 1st – Eagle Lodge had 266 tests with 3 positives. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2021- we do not have information at time of posting information. 

As a reminder, we will provide these COVID Community Screenings until September 2021! This is great news for the Fort Hall community to help decrease the spread of COVID19. These screenings are open to other Native American Tribes that reside or work on the Fort Hall Reservation or non-Natives that reside or work in Fort Hall. Sho-Ban Tribal members please bring in your Tribal ID cards to receive the incentive cards. 


To date the Tribes have given a total of 1,980 Moderna vaccines and 1,066 “booster” shots (the 2nd shot) given to the Fort Hall community for a total of 3,046 vaccinations. This breaks down to covering 17% of our Reservation population to-date. This is a high rate compared to the surrounding region and state.  

Great news for our community! The Not-tsoo Gah-nee Indian Health Center and Shoshone-Bannock Tribal Health programs are excited to announce that we have a new option for COVID-19 vaccines.  Starting March 9, 2021, the Johnson and Johnson COVID-19 vaccine will be available by appointment for tribal members 18 years of age and older who have NOT received the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine.  Our clinics will still provide the Moderna vaccine but will offer the Johnson & Johnson vaccine as another option. The Johnson & Johnson is a one shot vaccine. Note: More info on the vaccines will be posted in a separate info sheet. 

The HRSA clinic will also offer the Johnson & Johnson to ALL community members regardless of race or national origin.  Appointments for VACINNES can be made by calling the I.H.S at (208) 238-5427 or Tribal Health at (208) 238-5435 for patients who have an established IHS chart.  If you live on the reservation or are a household member of an enrolled Tribal member please call (208) 478-3987 for information about receiving vaccinations from the Shoshone-Bannock Community Health Center.  If you need a ride to either clinic, please call the Fort Hall Transit Service at (208) 478-4069.

The next Community Mass Vaccination is scheduled for Friday, March 12th from 4:00PM-8:00PM at the Sho-Ban High School gym. For those that received your 1st shot at last months Vaccination, please plan to attend to receive your 2nd booster shot. For those that would like a vaccine please plan to attend. Tribal Health will be giving out exclusive t-shirts and Tribal design facemasks to those that complete their 2nd vaccination at this event. If you already completed your vaccination, you are also eligible to receive by showing your vaccination card at the event.

Click on the Tribes COVID19 website for ongoing updates on the COVID dashboard, facemask mandate, Tribal PSA’s, Facebook live recordings, etc.
