February 9, 2023
Deceased Female Found Near Residence on the Fort Hall Reservation
Fort Hall – At approximately 11:50am the Fort Hall Police Department responded to a call of a deceased female at a residence on Broncho Road within the Fort Hall Reservation.
“On behalf of the Fort Hall Business Council we wish the family our deepest condolences and would like to thank the Fort Hall Police Department for your prompt response to the incident,” said Chairman Nathan Small.
Fort Hall Police, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Bingham County Coroner all responded to the scene. Next of kin has been notified. An autopsy has been scheduled and there will be an ongoing investigation with the FHPD and FBI. There is no danger to the public at this time.
Office of Public Affairs
Echo Marshall –Public Affairs Manager
Email: ecmarshall@sbtribes.com
Office: (208) 478-3818
Cell: (208) 589-8595