Fort Hall Fish & Game.
The mission of the Tribal Fish & Game Department is to provide for public safety, to protect fish and wildlife from unlawful harvest, to deal with livestock enforcement issues and to patrol both on and off the Fort Hall Reservation in areas utilized by tribal members.

Fish and Game Enforcement.
Enforcing Fish and Game Code.
The department enforces the 1975 Game Code and various seasons and regulations adopted and passed by the Fish and Game Commission known as the Fort Hall Business Council. Some of the regulations are, but not limited to; Big Game, Salmon, Waterfowl, Pheasant, Fishing, Livestock, Archeological, Law and Order Code and other ordinances passed by the Fort Hall Business Council. Staff work diligently opening a variety of cases ranging in violations such as poaching, trespass, livestock violations, archeological and other natural resource violations.

Located in the Justice Center.
The Shoshone Bannock Tribes Fish and Game Department is located in the Justice Center at Fort Hall Idaho. The Department is comprised of nine staff to enforce, monitor and protect both on and off reservation treaty hunting, fishing, gathering and grazing activity conducted by Shoshone Bannock Tribal Members.

Coverage Area.
Fish and Game Staff patrol both on and off reservation areas. The Fort Hall Indian Reservation alone is approximately 544,000 acres in size and mostly back country area. Off reservation patrols extend to the unoccupied lands of the United States as provided in Article 4 of the Fort Bridger Treaty of 1868.

Compliance through Training.
All Staff are successful graduates of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Indian Police Academy. The Academy is an extensive 17 week course in Basic Law Enforcement Training. After successful completion of Academy, officers are required to keep up on annual and semi-annual training and certification through the Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers such as Indian Country Jurisdiction and Law and Firearms Qualifications.

Community Involvement.
The Fish and Game Department strives to be a positive construct within the community, educating and taking part in cultural activities on the Fort Hall Indian Reservation and off the reservation.Department Staff are quick to follow up on requests to speak of Enforcement, Protection, Education, Safety and Natural Resource topics in schools, seminars and program events.

Fish and Game Department.
Contact Fish and Game.

Contact Us
Phone: (208)236-1137
Police Dispatch: (208)478-4000
56 E Agency Road
P.O. Box 306
Fort Hall, ID 83203