Fish and Wildlife.
The mission of the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes Fish & Wildlife Department is to protect, restore, and enhance fish and wildlife related resources in accordance with the Tribes’ unique interests and vested rights in such resources and their habitats, including the inherent, aboriginal and treaty protected rights of Tribal members to fair process and the priority rights to harvest pursuant to the Fort Bridger Treaty of July 3, 1868.

Preserving Our Resources .
Management Authority.
Article IV of the Fort Bridger Treaty states, “…they will make said reservations their permanent home, and they will make no permanent settlement elsewhere; but they shall have the right to hunt on the unoccupied land of the United States so long as game may be found thereon, and so long as peace subsists among the whites and Indians…”
For the tribes, this treaty language provides management authority on and off the Fort Hall Indian Reservation.

Areas of Focus.

ESA Memorandum of Agreement.
The Shoshone-Bannock Tribes and several federal action agencies developed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) that will provide funds for implementation of many new or expanded projects that will benefit Endangered Species Act (ESA) listed salmon and steelhead, resident fish and wildlife.
The projects will be implemented within the Salmon and Upper Snake River Sub-basins. The agreement includes a major conservation hatchery and satellite facility that expands existing chinook salmon and steelhead supplementation projects by developing local broodstocks and increasing juvenile production in the upper Salmon River.

News & Highlights.
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Fish and Wildlife.
Snake River Policy.

The policy of the tribes for management of the Snake River Basin resources states:
"The Tribes will pursue, promote, and where necessary, initiate efforts to restore the Snake River system and affected unoccupied lands to a natural condition.· This includes the restoration of component resources to conditions that most closely represent the ecological features associated with a natural riverine ecosystem. In addition, the Tribes will work to ensure the protection, preservation, and where appropriate-the enhancement of Rights reserved by the Tribes under the Fort Bridger Treaty of 1868 and any inherent aboriginal rights."
The Snake River Policy is utilized to identify additional land management impacts within the Snake River Basin and will similarly identify alternative management strategies and apply mitigation measures consistent with this policy.