Letter to Tribal Membership: Re Executive Orders

January 24, 2025

Dear Newena, Shoshone-Bannock Tribal Members,

The Business Council of the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes remains steadfast in our commitment to the protection, preservation, and perpetuation of the 1868 Fort Bridger Treaty and our Tribal sovereignty. We will continue to do everything we can to defend the Tribes and continue to press the Federal Government for equality. justice, and appropriate levels of funding to fulfill their trust responsibilities. The ShoshoneBannock Tribes are a strong, vibrant community, and will continue to stand up for our people’s rights asmembers of a Sovereign Nation and for our lands and natural resources.

The recent executive orders from the Trump Administration are bringing mixed reactions to Tribal members.As of right now most of the executive orders are rescinding President Biden’s executive orders, and are vaguewith no action, yet. The Fort Hall Business Council is closely monitoring these orders, further statements, and other announcements from the new administration for potential positive and negative impacts on the members of the Tribes and Indian Country.

Of note, reports of the Trump administration challenging the birthright citizenship of Indians are not true. Thebriet does NOT question the citizenship status of Indians or question the Native Indian Citizenship Act of1924. As Tribal members, we are both American Citizens and members of a Sovereign Nation!In addition, recent uncontirmed reports of arrests and detentions of Natives as part of the newadministration’s crackdown on ilegal immigration are unfounded. However, out of an abundance of caution, Council encourages adult Tribal members to carry state and Tribal identification cards and to also maintain a copy of your IDs on your phone. Please report any incidents of racial profiling or discrimination by police orfederal authorities to the Fort Hall Police Department.

During times of uncertainty, our people continue to endure. The FHBC will remain focused and proactive inprotecting the health, safety. and well-being of our people, lands, waterways, and wildlife. We must be unitedand stand in solidarity together through this time. We have been here since time immemorial, and we willremain here for many generations. At the heart of who are is a connection to our sacred homelandsthrough our language, traditions, customs, and way of life.

In this we believe in ourselves, each other, and the Creator who looks over us all. Oosen dagano’ dease sundehai -Thank You and Blessings

Lee Juan Tendoy
Chairman, Fort Hall Business Council


P.O. BOX 306