The Shoshone-Bannock Tribes are proud to announce the new 2017-2018 Fort Hall Business Council:
- Chairman- Nathan Small (newly elected)
- Vice Chair- Darrell Shay
- Secretary- Marcus Coby
- Treasurer- Tino Batt
- Sgt of Arms- Ladd Edmo (newly elected)
- Council member- Lee Juan Tyler
- Council member- Special Election for this open seat is this Friday, 6/16/2017. The new member will be seated on 6/20/2017.
Tribal flag carried in by Tribal member Gifford Osborne and the United States flag carried in by Tribal Veteran Marci Dawes-Flores.
Tribal drum group is Spring Creek with singers Lagrand Coby, Chasen Coby, Keno Coby, Lance Tissidimit, and John Kutch.
Photos and videos are courtesy of the Office of Public Affairs, 2017.
Media notice: local ch. 6 news will be providing an update on the new council on news at 5pm, 10pm and morning news.