Indian Relay Racing.
TThe Indian Relay racing has been a part of the Shoshone and Bannock Tribal culture because the sport of Indian Relay racing originated here with the Shoshone and Bannock people. Many Tribal families continue these horse traditions and are actively passing this legacy on to younger generations. A Indian Relay team consists of three horses and four team members, a rider, a catcher (mugger) and two holders. Indian Relay Racing is increasing in popularity for fans, new teams from different tribes, and to a national venues.
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The Oldest Extreme Sport in America.
Many Indian people have stated that Indian Relays are over 500 years old, and have always provided an exciting competition between various teams with tribal horse traditions throughout Indian Country. These Relay races recognize and pay tribute to the spiritual importance of horse through our traditions and activities.
Each team has four people and three horses. The rider makes three laps around the racetrack, switching to a new horse at the beginning of each lap. The two holders wait for their lap, holding the next horse and keeping the horse calm and ready to race. The mugger catches the incoming horse to allow the rider to dismount and leap onto the next horse. Each team must have control of all their horses at all time, and with several different teams on the track, it can get confusing but very exciting to watch.