Fort Hall Extension and Fort Hall Housing are sponsoring their annual gardening workshop series to address your lawn, pest, and gardening needs.
The presenters have worked with their topics for several years and have expertise in many areas pertaining directly to horticulture.
Please come prepared with questions and be ready to learn from these informative speakers. Many classes will be hands-on, so come prepared to learn!
Directions to Fort Hall Housing Building: Take the Fort Hall exit, turn West, continue past the Trading Post and gas station, turn North on Mission Road (past Head Start buildings) then turn East (past church and cemetery) on War Bonnet Road. The Housing Conference Room is located in the A-frame building on the North side of the road. Address is 161 War Dance Circle Rd., Fort Hall, ID.
Sponsored by the Fort Hall Extension Office, the Fort Hall Housing Authority, and local Extension educators and professionals.
Special Thanks To:
Nola Cates Taryn Shoyo Marilyn Wahtomy Sharon Johnson Willena Georage
Danielle Gunn Fort Hall Agricultural Extension Educator
Conducted by the University of Idaho College of Agricultural Extension System in cooperation with local horticultural specialists.
Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information or reasonable accommodations need to contact Danielle Gunn, Fort Hall Extension, Pima Dr. Building 7, Fort Hall, ID 83203, phone: 208-236-1046 by April 4, 2023, 5:00 p.m.