In response, the Fort Hall Business Council enacted a Facemask Mandate for the entire Fort Hall Reservation that went into effect on Friday, December 4, 2020. The mandate includes the following information: an individual must wear a facemask at all public places and businesses, including restaurants and bar (casino), except when eating or drinking, on the reservation.
The facemask MUST fit properly over the nose and mouth to prevent the spread of the virus. Persons under the age of 2 years old and persons having trouble breathing are not required to wear a mask.
If an individual fails to comply with the Order may be asked to leave the business or public space and may be issued a Citation of Infraction for failing to abide by the mandate and may be responsible for paying a penalty not exceeding $100.00 for the first offense, $300.00 for the second offense and $500.00 for the third offense or more and no imprisonment.